Thursday, January 15, 2015

Gelli printing

I was first introduced to Gelli plates and using them for printmaking through a former colleague, Beth Atkinson, who presented a workshop on this process at our annual art teachers conference in NY about 4 years ago.  I became so enamored of the process, and more importantly the product, that I ordered a class set when I returned from the conference, and began sharing this amazing experience with all of my teachers and more importantly, the students.  The teachers love the immediacy of the work, as well as the ease of storage, and the students took to it like ducks to water.  From our most prolific young artists (the AP & IB students) down to our elementary kids, we have amazing results every time this is taught and now each school has their own class set.  This is a great (uncomplicated) way to introduce printmaking at any grade level and the process is so flexible that the students can really put their own mark on the work.

This is some of my most recent Gelli work

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