Saturday, April 21, 2007

Joining the blog world

I finally figured out that I should have a blog, not for any great, important reason, but hey why not? I'm hoping it will give me chance to record some thoughts not elsewhere noted and post some fun pictures and whatnot.'s a gorgeous Saturday here in NY and my DH is outside clearing up some of the debris from the storm we had last week. Notice I'm inside, on the computer (I'm supposed to be doing laundry, heh!) I just got back from my sock knitting class at Rumplestilskin Yarns. This is the second class I've taken and I feel pretty confident now about following a pattern and all that. Up until this point I've been just a simple knitter (scarves, blankets, etc.) except for occasional forays into more difficult stuff like a bag from Pursenalities (that I still have to felt!). I also recently learned how to spin, which leads me to the third coolest thing that happened to me this week (I'll detail the other things in a few). I took a spinning class in January and it's loads of fun, but the spinning wheels are heinously expensive when you purchase them new, so I have been haunting e-bay for a used wheel. I've bid on at least 6 wheels in the past 2 months, but to no avail....until today!!! I finally won an auction for a reasonably priced Ashford Traditional Spinning Wheel. YAY!!! I'm so excited because I have lots of awesome fiber that I ordered from some etsy shops like Funky Carolina and Sereknity, and now I will be able to spin as often as I want! So one of the other awesome things that happened this week is that 2 art students (11th graders) from my department received the wonderful news that their artwork had been accepted into a juried art show sponsored by The Heckscher Museum, and beyond that one of them received a monetary scholarship award, and the other a special achievement award for his ceramic sculpture. The opening reception and awards ceremony is tomorrow, so I'll update some more with photos then. I should go get started on the laundry but before I sign off for now, I have to make mention of the fact that I'm listening to probably one of the greatest albums (IMHO) ever: The Wild, The innocent and the E Street Shuffle. There are no words to describe how stunning the music is. Before I die I want to learn how to play the opening piano part on "New York City Serenade". Later.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Blogging World! Yes, it will be great to see some of the photos you've mentioned. Keep writing. :)
