Monday, December 22, 2008


I spent all day yesterday baking friggin' cookies! I am exhausted.
But the cookies came out really good (except for one batch).
In order:
Oatmeal Jumbos
Orange Cranberry Chippers
Giant Gingers
Chocolate Macadamia nut Chippers
Peanut Butter Surprises
Oreo Biscotti
Chocolate Mint Cyrstals
Butterscotch Chippers

Yeah, let the insanity rule!!!!!!
OK, I still have some shopping to do, but the tree is up and the menorah,
and I truly love this time of year.
Let the music play.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow, Snow, Snow!!!!!

The first big snow of the season. Made  it home from work in one piece.
Cookie mania begins tomorrow.
Jason is getting better from his cold...vitamin C baby.
Made stew in the crock-pot today, too watery, but good.
My makeup brushes arrived from China.
I'm addicted to make-up videos on YouTube.  Insanity, but fun.
I like looking at my Christmas tree and listening to the Christmas Jazz station on Pandora.

Monday, December 15, 2008

I need vacation soon

The days are too filled with "stuff" to enjoy anything.
I am so tired I could cry.
Jason no longer wants to go to sleep. He cries every time we walk into his bedroom at bedtime.
My Christmas tree looks so pretty.
I just want some time off so that I can play with my son without worrying about getting the laundry, the shopping or errands done.
Not a good start for a Monday.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Sometimes I truly dislike people...

Karma-cally speaking I know that's not the best thing to proclaim but there are people who just don't get it. Eeech.
Looking forward to putting up my Christmas tree this weekend.
I am going to make some pages for the baby's scrapbook.
I wish it would snow (maybe).
I still love my red hair.
I'm wearing more makeup than usual, but, if it makes me feel good, who cares.
I am plotting what cookies I will make for this holiday season.
I need to get out my holiday cards already!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Originally uploaded by eyecre8art
I love this child more than I could ever put into words.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

First snow

First snow of the season today!  Pretty but gone too quick.
Why does healthy food cost so much more money? It's ridiculous.
I still love sushi.
Jason has learned how to give kisses.
I need to put up my holiday decorations.
The laundry never seems to end in this house.
And I'll leave you with this...Jason pooped in the tub during his bath,  and I had to scoop it out.
Happy Sunday!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm trying here...

So I've decided that in order for me to be able to post more than say every 6 months or so, I should simplify my blogging to a few sentences. This is my new experiment and we'll see how it goes. So here's today's blurb:

Exhausted from the holidays.
Can't believe the baby is a year old.
Saw "Twilight," first movie we've seen since the summer (we're such losers!) It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
Looking forward to putting up the Christmas tree and baking.
Dyed my hair red and insanely loving it...blond is gone for now.
Reading a trashy Nora Roberts book.
Listening to Christmas music non-stop.
Rediscovering how much I love the music of Laure Nyro
Hate the way my body looks.
Need to be creative again...must knit, crochet, sew or bead something soon!!